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Jane Tweedy
Cheryl De La Hunty
Jane Tweedy
Jane Tweedy
Find a product
Jane Tweedy
One-on-one coaching/training with Jane - 15 min free discovery call
Jane Tweedy
How to market products and services in bundles
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Bundle products and services to save time and make more money
Jane Tweedy
PW Why quoting may be killing your business
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And how to fix it!
Jane Tweedy
PW Creating additional income streams
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Add related income to your existing business | PW Series
Jane Tweedy
TTT Mind your negative language - Tea Time Tips 1
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Negative self-talk and talk to others can cause lifelong negative impact
Jane Tweedy
TTT Should you discount? - Tea Time Tip 5
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Should you offer discounts? Calculating the benefits and some alternative strategies
Jane Tweedy
TTT Forget resolutions, set actionable goals - Tea Time Tips 18
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Replace failing New Year's resolutions with actionable goals, plans and habits
Jane Tweedy
TTT Preparing your business for holidays - Tea Time Tips 17
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Preparing your business so you can take a well earned break
Jane Tweedy
TTT Reducing your expenses and saving money - Tea Time Tips 6
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Learn ways to review your business expenses, reduce unnecessary expenses and save money
Jane Tweedy
TTT Buyer persona/ideal client avatar (ICA) - Tea Time Tips 3
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Buyer personas and ideal client avatars (ICA) and why you need them
Jane Tweedy
TTT Managing risk and insurance - Tea Time Tips 2
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Managing risk and insurance in your life and your business
Jane Tweedy
TTT Social media strategies - part 1 - Tea Time Tip 12
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Social media strategies and how to come up with a plan for your business
Jane Tweedy
TTT Cancellation policies - Tea Time Tip 19
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Cancellation policies, why do we need and how can we introduce them?
Jane Tweedy
TTT Coaching wheel of life and business - Tea Time Tip 15
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What is and how to use the coaches favourite tool - the coaching wheel
Jane Tweedy
TTT Social media strategies - part 2 - Tea Time Tip 13
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Social media strategies to plan your content, frequency and scheduling
Jane Tweedy
TTT How to search on Google - Tea Time Tip 14
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How to search on Google effectively using Boolean and image searches
Jane Tweedy
TTT What is your unique value proposition (UVP)? - Tea Time Tip 22
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Why do you need a clearly defined Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and how to create it
Jane Tweedy
TTT Why values and mission may be your missing key - Tea Time Tips 10
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Why are values and missions important and why they may be your missing key
Jane Tweedy
TTT What are keywords for SEO? - Tea Time Tips 9
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What is SEO - Search Engine Optimisation?
Jane Tweedy
TTT LinkedIn communicating to connect - Tea Time Tips 8
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Isn't LinkedIn just a numbers game? No
Jane Tweedy
TTT Creating additional income streams - Tea Time Tip 7
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Why more income streams? Don't have all your eggs in one basket (or carton)
Jane Tweedy
TTT How to handle problem clients - Tea Time Tips 4
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How to handle problem clients and why are problem clients a problem?
Jane Tweedy
TTT Are they really OK? R U OK day - Tea Time Tip 11
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What is R U OK day? When and how to ask are you OK?
Jane Tweedy
Annual planning for FY - Financial Year growth
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Annual planning with a numbers focus suitable for financial year end planning
Jane Tweedy
Strategic planning for business growth: 2025 Annual Plan
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Create your 2025 Annual Plan as part of your strategy planning for overall business growth! Live sessions with replays.
Jane Tweedy