Forget New Year's resolutions - set actionable goals instead
Many people still persist with setting New Year's resolutions, after all they're kind of fun, and 'everyone' is doing it! But ask yourself, have they ever worked? Do you get to the end of January or July and you've already failed dismally? There's always next year, right? NOOOO
To make change, you need to change the way you do things.
So instead of vague, deadline free New Year's resolutions, why not set actionable goals, plans and establish new habits.
Today's session explains all this and some other tricks to encourage your success!
Tea Time Tips series
Our Tea Time Tips series were originally streamed live on Facebook and LinkedIn. We have edited them slightly and made available for free to view or read on our YouTube channel and as blogs on our website.
You can find our free blogs here. Note not all TTT have been listed as blogs.
Alternatively for a small fee you can purchase this course which includes access to the video, transcript and slide pack to download, handout (if any accompanies the course) and easy access to any resources referred to.
We have also made them available on Teachable as part of our FAQBT Business Growth Membership.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Why would I pay for TTT courses if I can get them for free?
If you're a member of FAQBT Business Growth Membership then you will have access to the slide pack, transcript, easy access to any resources mentioned and any additional downloads made available to people who pay.
Otherwise, the only way to get access to all the extras mentioned above is by buying the relevant TTT course.
Here at FAQ Business Training, we are extremely passionate about small business owners not ripping themselves off! By learning from us, we teach you enough to do it yourself (DIY) or outsource with confidence.
A Tea Time Tips (TTT) series course
This course is part of our TTT Series, and is what we consider entry-level affordable training. TTT simply stands for Tea Time Tips which are like mini lunch 'n' learns. These were originally streamed live on Facebook and LinkedIn and have been recorded and edited slightly. To keep the pricing down for these, we load the TTT videos as one single video with no breakdowns into sections. However, we do give you a transcript you can download with timestamps. Transparency is an important part of our business values, hence why we call out the limitations of these lower priced offerings.
If you've not seen a Tea Time Tips series course before please watch the TTT video before buying
Please preview the video available and hopefully that will make it clear who will benefit most from TTT short courses, and you can see if our presenter and Founder Jane Tweedy's presentation style is right for you. Although most people love Jane's tell it like it is approach and vast quantities of information she will pass on, some will not. And you know what - that's perfectly okay. So please only buy after you've watched the TTT video.
Tea Time Tip course curriculum
This course is included in the FAQBT Business Growth Membership
Please do not purchase separately if you are a member.
The membership is such great value, you may want to buy that instead!
Plus you'll be able to access our live quarterly planning sessions, and Action Accountability (AA) sessions to keep you on track!