What to expect from AA sessions

What to expect from live AA sessions?

Sessions are NOT recorded.

These sessions are designed to give you committed time to work on YOU and YOUR business. AA sessions are designed with 15 minutes at the start to set intentions to help keep you accountable, share wins and raise challenges (around the doing, not around technical/specific course questions). We then complete 4 Pomodoro cycles.

The Pomodoro cycles

After setting intentions, we go cameras and audio off (FAQBT included) as we work ON our intended tasks for a short, solid 25 mins. Then we have a 5 minute chat break and check everyone is on track. We repeat that cycle 4 times.

This is known as the Pomodoro method. It is extremely effective when you have large tasks you've been putting off because they seem too big to start. Breaking them down and allocating only 25 minutes at a time makes a task achievable. Achieving something in 25 minutes can also breathe momentum back into the task and see you continue a lot longer.

If you get on a roll, feel free to continue working till the next break (add 30 mins to cover the break and work cycle). Typically though after 4 cycles you'd take a longer break (say 30 mins) to recharge and refresh.

Work on you or your business for the best impact

BYO (bring your own) work to do. For best results for your business, make these self-improvement tasks - maybe treat this as time to do some coursework, or do work ON your business tasks (i.e. not client work, we're sure you do enough of that already!).

These sessions are NOT recorded.

The format of these sessions is below. You can jump in and out if required, though we suggest being present the whole time to get maximum time to focus ON your business. If you join late there will be radio silence till the next break.

From the start time the agenda is ...

0 - 15 mins set intentions with the group 

15 - 40 mins work 25 mins cycle 1

40 - 45 mins 5 min break/reconvene chat - did you get stuff done?

45 - 70 mins work 25 mins cycle 2

70 - 75 mins 5 min break/reconvene chat - did you get stuff done?

75 - 100 mins work 25 mins cycle 3

100 - 105 mins 5 min break/reconvene chat - did you get stuff done? 

105 - 130 mins work 25 mins cycle 4

130 - 135 mins final wrap-up - what did you achieve?

Complete and Continue